Alexandra Matte-Landry
Université Laval
Alexandra Matte-Landry, PhD, is an assistant professor in criminology at the School of Social Work and Criminology of Université Laval. She is also a regular researcher at the Centre de recherche universitaire sur les jeunes et les familles (CRUJeF) and the Centre de recherche Jeunes, familles et réponses sociales (JEFAR). Through her research, she wishes to better understand the development and functioning of children and adolescents who have lived through experiences of adversity (e.g., abuse, neglect, poverty). In addition, she wishes to develop, implement and evaluate social programs to better meet their needs and support their resilience. Alexandra Matte-Landry is also a psychologist-neuropsychologist. Her clinical practice has been with children and adolescents with a variety of challenges and needs, including mental health problems, neurodevelopmental disorders and brain damage.