Alicia Boatswain-Kyte
McGill University
Dr. Alicia Boatswain-Kyte is an Assistant Professor at the McGill School of Social Work. Her research addresses anti-Black racism across sectors of education, health, and justice. Her doctoral research provided the first Quebec study to longitudinally describe the disparate service trajectory of Black children reported to the child welfare system. Findings from this research were presented during the Quebec Special Commission on the Rights of the Child and Youth Protection, for the purpose of demonstrating the need for more tailored responses for Black children and their families. More recently, Dr. Boatswain-Kyte has engaged in a number of emancipatory action-research projects seeking the development of Black community accountability. These research projects use afro-emancipatory action research methods that centre the lived experience and expertise of Black community actors and organizations in the development of innovative solutions to improve the health and social conditions of Black youth in Canada.