

Nadine Lanctôt

Nadine Lanctôt

Université de Sherbrooke

Nadine Lanctôt, PhD, is a full professor in the Department of Psychoeducation at the Université de Sherbrooke and holds the Canada Research Chair in Rehabilitation of Vulnerable Adolescent Girls. She is a researcher with the Groupe de recherche et d'intervention sur les adaptations sociales de l'enfance (GRISE), the Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté (IUJD) and the Centre de recherche universitaire sur les jeunes et les familles (CRUJeF). Her work aims to better understand the different profiles, backgrounds and needs of the female clientele served by social services and justice systems, as well as the impacts, both positive and negative, that can promote the well-being of at-risk adolescents and their path to adulthood.