Hull Services
Hull Services has long had a reputation for providing leading edge child, youth, and family mental health services, and has been providing services in Calgary for more than 55 years. Hull works with children, youth, and families who have experienced trauma and other significant challenges, offering them an opportunity to seek well-being and happiness, with a focus on mental health. Hull’s vision is for resilient young people and families to thrive within communities that support their mental health and well-being. Hull Services uses innovative and evidence-based programs to provide leading edge therapies to children, youth, and families who are experiencing emotional and psychological disorders, behavioural problems, learning disabilities, developmental delay, neglect, abuse, and trauma. Hull’s programs and services range from prevention and early intervention to intensive intervention. They include, but are not limited to: in-home and in community supports, kinship and foster care, group care, school day treatment, therapeutic campus-based care, secure and stabilization programs, supported interdependent living, education and training opportunities, and clinical/therapeutic services. Hull Services is certified in and adheres to the Neurosequential Model (NM), and it integrates a trauma informed care across all programs. The NM is an evidence-based practice developed by Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD. It incorporates knowledge and understanding of neuroscience and brain development. Hull Services uses this approach because it allows clinicians and caregivers to better identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of a child and target developmentally appropriate activities and interventions to help restore more typical brain development. Hull Services is the only flagship site for the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics in Canada.