

Publications by members

on child and youth trauma published since 2020

Publication's title

Ascienzo, S., Sprang, G., & Royse, D. (2022). “My bad experiences are not the only things shaping me anymore”: thematic analysis of youth trauma narratives. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, (20220114). 

Ginny Sprang

Ascienzo, S., Sprang, G., & Royse, D. (2022). Gender differences in the PTSD symptoms of polytraumatized youth during isolated phases of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 14(3), 488–496. 

Ginny Sprang

Meadows, A. L., Coker, A. L., Bush, H. M., Clear, E. R., Sprang, G., & Brancato, C. J. (2022). Sexual violence perpetration as a risk factor for current depression or posttraumatic symptoms in adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(1-2), 151–171. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G. (2022). Attachment styles and vicarious trauma. In R. Geffner, J. W. White, L. K. Hamberger, A. Rosenbaum, V. Vaughan-Eden, & V. I. Vieth (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal violence and abuse across the lifespan: A project of the National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan (NPEIV) (pp. 4425–4441). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Ginny Sprang

Whitt-Woosley, A., Sprang, G., & Eslinger, J. (2022). Foster care during the covid-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis of caregiver and professional experiences. Child Abuse & Neglect, 124

Ginny Sprang

Whitt-Woosley, A., Sprang, G., & Eslinger, J. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 and experiences of secondary traumatic stress and burnout. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 14(3), 507–515. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., Cole, J., & Leistner, C. (2021). In their own words: the impact of indirect trauma exposure on judges presiding over cases involving minors involved in sex trafficking. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 72(3), 5–20. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., Lei, F., & Bush, H. (2021). Can organizational efforts lead to less secondary traumatic stress? A longitudinal investigation of change. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(4), 443–453. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., Whitt-Woosley, A., & Eslinger, J. (2021). Diagnostic and translational utility of the secondary traumatic stress clinical algorithm (sts-ca). Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 8862605211044961

Ginny Sprang

Eslinger, J., Sprang, G., & Jodts, J. (2022). Keeping children and youth in trauma treatment: Examination of an alliance building dropout management program. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry, 13591045221111849. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., & Garcia, A. (2022). An Investigation of Secondary Traumatic Stress and Trauma-informed Care Utilization in School Personnel. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 1-9.

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., Stoklosa, H., & Greenbaum, J. (2022). The public health response to human trafficking: a look back and a step forward. Public Health Reports137(1_suppl), 5S-9S. 

Ginny Sprang

Greenbaum, J., Sprang, G., Recknor, F., Harper, N. S., & Titchen, K. (2022). Labor trafficking of children and youth in the United States: A scoping review. Child Abuse & Neglect131, 105694.

Ginny Sprang

Whitt-Woosley, A., Sprang, G., & Eslinger, J. (2022). Foster care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of caregiver and professional experiences. Child Abuse & Neglect124, 105444. 

Ginny Sprang

Brend, D. M., & Sprang, G. (2020). Trauma-informed care in child welfare: An imperative for residential childcare workers. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 7(1), 154-165. 

Denise Brend, Ginny Sprang

Cole, J., & Sprang, G. (2020). Safe harbor law: pre-to post-implementation change in service providers’ knowledge and response to sex trafficking of minors. Journal of crime and justice, 43(3), 377-392. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., Bush, H. M., Coker, A. L., & Brancato, C. J. (2020). Types of trauma and self-reported pain that limits functioning in different-aged cohortsJournal of interpersonal violence35(23-24), 5953-5975. 

Ginny Sprang

Sprang, G., Cole, J., Leistner, C., & Ascienzo, S. (2020). The impact of safe harbor legislation on court proceedings involving sex trafficked youth: A qualitative investigation of judicial perspectives. Family Court Review, 58(3), 816-831. 

Ginny Sprang

Cole, J., Sprang, G., & Leistner, C. (2020). Juvenile and family court judges’ knowledge and attitudes about sex trafficking of minors: Associations with gender, race, and US region. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 71(3), 29-41.

Ginny Sprang

Eslinger, J., Sprang, G., Ascienzo, S., & Silman, M. (2020). Fidelity and sustainability in evidence-based treatments for children: An investigation of implementation determinants. Journal of Family Social Work, 23(2), 177-196. 

Ginny Sprang

Ascienzo, S., Sprang, G., & Eslinger, J. (2020). Disseminating TF‐CBT: A mixed methods investigation of clinician perspectives and the impact of training format and formalized problem‐solving approaches on implementation outcomes. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 26(6), 1657-1668. 

Ginny Sprang

Cole, J., & Sprang, G. (2020). Post-implementation of a Safe Harbor law in the US: Review of state administrative data. Child Abuse & Neglect, 101, 104320. 

Ginny Sprang

Whitt-Woosley, A., Sprang, G., & Eslinger, J. (2020). Exploration of factors associated with secondary traumatic stress in foster parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105361. 

Ginny Sprang