

Publications by members

on child and youth trauma published since 2020

Publication's title

Bonnycastle, C., Nixon, K., Bonnycastle, M., Hughes, J., & Groening, A. (2021). Re-establishing their Lives: Issues Relating to Affordable Housing for Women and their Children Escaping Violent Intimate Partner Relationships in Northern Manitoba. Northern Review, (51). 

Kendra Nixon

Tutty, L. M., Radtke, H. L., Ateah, C. A., Ursel, E. J., Thurston, W. E., Hampton, M., & Nixon, K. (2021). The complexities of intimate partner violence: mental health, disabilities, and child abuse history for White, Indigenous, and other visible minority Canadian women. Journal of interpersonal violence36(3-4), 1208-1232. 

Kendra Nixon

Tutty, L. M., & Nixon, K. L. (2022). # MeToo on the Canadian Prairies: raising awareness of sexual assaults and mental health in women abused by intimate partners. Violence against women28(6-7), 1398-1419. 

Kendra Nixon

Hoffart, R., Fraehlich, C., & Nixon, K. Caught in the Middle. 

Kendra Nixon

Fallis, J., & Nixon, K. (2020). From Protection to Expulsion. Everyday Violence in the Lives of Youth: Speaking Out and Pushing Back, 37. 

Kendra Nixon

Tutty, L. M., & Nixon, K. (2020). Mothers abused by intimate partners: Comparisons of those with children placed by child protective services and those withoutChildren and youth services review115, 105090. 

Kendra Nixon

Tutty, L. M., Radtke, H. L., Thurston, W. E., Nixon, K. L., Ursel, E. J., Ateah, C. A., & Hampton, M. (2020). The mental health and well-being of Canadian Indigenous and non-Indigenous women abused by intimate partners. Violence against women, 26(12-13), 1574-1597.

Kendra Nixon