Cameranesi, M., Theron, L., Höltge, J., Jefferies, P., & Ungar, M. (2022). Understanding the mechanisms through which family risk affects adolescent mental health: a model of multisystemic resilience in context. Children, 9(4), 546–546.
Grossman, M., Hadfield, K., Jefferies, P., Gerrand, V., & Ungar, M. (2022). Youth resilience to violent extremism: development and validation of the brave measure. Terrorism and Political Violence, 34(3), 468–488.
Höltge, J., Theron, L., & Ungar, M. (2022). A multisystemic perspective on the temporal interplay between adolescent depression and resilience-supporting individual and social resources. Journal of Affective Disorders, 297, 225–232.
Jefferies, P., Höltge, J., Fritz, J., & Ungar, M. (2022). A cross-country network analysis of resilience systems in young adults. Emerging Adulthood, 21676968221090039.
Jefferies, P., Vanstone, R., & Ungar, M. (2022). The rugged resilience measure: development and preliminary validation of a brief measure of personal resilience. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17(2), 985–1000.
Kuru, N., & Ungar, M. (2022). Refugee children’s resilience: a qualitative social ecological study of life in a camp. Journal of Refugee Studies, 35(1), 747–747.
Theron, L., & Ungar, M. (2022). Resilience in the context of chronic, complex stressors: an emerging adult’s account. In Embracing Well-Being in Diverse African Contexts: Research Perspectives (pp. 151-170). Springer, Cham.
Theron, L., Rothmann, S., Höltge, J., & Ungar, M. (2022). Differential adaptation to adversity: a latent profile analysis of youth engagement with resilience-enabling cultural resources and mental health outcomes in a stressed Canadian and South African community. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(3-4), 403–425.
Theron, L., Rothmann, S., Makhnach, A., & Ungar, M. (2022). Adolescent mental health resilience and combinations of caregiver monitoring and warmth: a person-centred perspective. Journal of Child and Family Studies, (20220326).
Theron, L., Ungar, M., & Höltge, J. (2022). Pathways of resilience: predicting school engagement trajectories for South African adolescents living in a stressed environment. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69.
Clark, J. N., & Ungar, M. (Eds.). (2021). Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice. Cambridge University Press.
Clark, J. N., Jefferies, P., Foley, S., & Ungar, M. (2021). Measuring resilience in the context of conflict-related sexual violence: a novel application of the Adult Resilience Measure (ARM). Journal of interpersonal violence, 08862605211028323.
Giordano, F., & Ungar, M. (2021). Principle-driven program design versus manualized programming in humanitarian settings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111, 104862.
Giordano, F., Cipolla, A., & Ungar, M. (2021). Tutor of resilience: a model for psychosocial care following experiences of adversity. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Höltge, J., Theron, L., Cowden, R. G., Govender, K., Maximo, S. I., Carranza, J. S., ... & Ungar, M. (2021). A cross-country network analysis of adolescent resilience. Journal of Adolescent Health, 68(3), 580-588.
Höltge Jan, Theron, L., Rensburg, A., Cowden, R. G., Govender, K., & Ungar, M. (2021). Investigating the interrelations between systems of support in 13- to 18-year-old adolescents: a network analysis of resilience promoting systems in a high and middle-income country. Child Development, 92(2), 586–599.
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Höltge, J., Ungar, M., & Theron, L. (2021). The differential interplay of home routines and comforting beliefs on adolescent mental health in situations of severe parental conflict. Adversity and Resilience Science : Journal of Research and Practice, 2(1), 5–17.
Jefferies, P., Höltge, J., & Ungar, M. (2021). Social anxiety and resilience: associations vary by country and sex. Adversity and Resilience Science : Journal of Research and Practice, 2(1), 51–62.
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Makhnach, A. V., Laktionova, A. I., Postylyakova, Y. V., Gorkovaya, I. A., Miklyaeva, A. V., Sarayeva, N. M., ... & Ungar, M. (2021). Comparative analysis of youth resilience from regions with different cultural, social and environmental conditions of life. Psikhologicheskii zhurnal, 42(4), 16-27.
Theron, L. C., Levine, D., & Ungar, M. (2021). African emerging adult resilience: insights from a sample of township youth. Emerging Adulthood, 9(4), 360–371.
Theron, L., Levine, D., Ungar, M., & Sarker, M. N. I. (2021). Resilience to COVID-19-related stressors: insights from emerging adults in a South African township. Plos One, 16(12), 0260613.
Theron, L., Murphy, K., & Ungar, M. (2021). Multisystemic resilience: learning from youth in stressed environments. Youth & Society, 0044118X211017335.
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Theron, L., Haffejee, S., Ungar, M., Cummings, E. M., Wentz, B., Lee, M., ... & Miller-Graff, L. (2022). Resilience to structural violence: learning from African youth. In Psychological Perspectives on Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Children: Towards Building Cultures of Peace.
Twum-Antwi, A., Jefferies, P., Theron, L., Schnurr, M., & Ungar, M. (2020). Young people’s perceptions of identities in a rural oil and gas town experiencing boom-bust economic cycles. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 3, 275-292.
Ungar, M. (2020). Working with children and youth with complex needs: 20 skills to build resilience. Routledge.
Ross, N., Gilbert, R., Torres, S., Dugas, K., Jefferies, P., McDonald, S., ... & Ungar, M. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences: assessing the impact on physical and psychosocial health in adulthood and the mitigating role of resilience. Child Abuse & Neglect, 103, 104440.
Twum-Antwi, A., Jefferies, P., & Ungar, M. (2020). Promoting child and youth resilience by strengthening home and school environments: A literature review. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 8(2), 78-89.
Brisson, J., Pekelny, I., & Ungar, M. (2020). Methodological strategies for evaluating youth gang prevention programs. Evaluation and program planning, 79, 101747.
Hadfield, K., Ungar, M., Emond, A., Foster, K., Gatt, J. M., Mason-Jones, A., ... & Wu, Q. (2020). Challenges of developing and conducting an international study of resilience in migrant adolescents. International social work, 63(2), 232-237.
Hughes, N., Ungar, M., Fagan, A., Murray, J., Atilola, O., Nichols, K., ... & Kinner, S. (2020). Health determinants of adolescent criminalisation. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, 4(2), 151-162.
Collette, A., & Ungar, M. (2020). Resilience of Individuals, Families, Communities, and Environments: Mutually Dependent Protective Processes and Complex Systems. Systemic Research in Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy and Counseling, 97-111.
Gatt, J. M., Alexander, R., Emond, A., Foster, K., Hadfield, K., Mason-Jones, A., ... & Wu, Q. (2020). Trauma, resilience, and mental health in migrant and non-migrant youth: an international cross-sectional study across six countries. Frontiers in psychiatry, 997.