

Publications by members

on child and youth trauma published since 2020

Publication's title

Lanctot, N., Turcotte, M., Pascuzzo, K., Collin-Vezina, D., & Laurier, C. (2021). Commercial sexual exploitation, stigma, and trauma: a detrimental trio for an altered sense of self. Journal of child sexual abuse, 30(6), 703-721. 

Delphine Collin-Vézina, Nadine Lanctôt

Dumont, A., Lanctôt, N., & Paquette, G. (2022). “I had a shitty past; I want a great future.” Hopes and fears of vulnerable adolescent girls aging out of care. Children and Youth Services Review

Nadine Lanctôt

Prévost-Lemire, M., Paquette, G., & Lanctôt, N. (2021). Trauma symptoms as factors associated with early motherhood among young women who had contact with child protective services. Children and Youth Services Review126

Nadine Lanctôt

Pellerin, M., Parent, G., & Lanctôt, N. (2020). Perception of social climate by welfare/justice-involved girls in out-of-home placement centers. Children and Youth Services Review108, 104554.

Nadine Lanctôt

Couture, S., Lanctôt, N., Parent, G., Lemieux, S., & Lemieux, A. (2020). Consequences associated with the use of psychoactive substances among female adolescents placed in residential care: the role of sexual exploitation. Women & Health, 60(9), 1052-1062. 

Nadine Lanctôt

Lanctôt, N. (2020). Child maltreatment, maladaptive cognitive schemas, and perceptions of social support among young women care leavers. Child & Family Social Work, 25(3), 619-627. 

Nadine Lanctôt

Lanctôt, N., Reid, J. A., & Laurier, C. (2020). Nightmares and flashbacks: The impact of commercial sexual exploitation of children among female adolescents placed in residential care. Child abuse & neglect, 100, 104195. 

Catherine Laurier, Nadine Lanctôt