


This section brings together all our resources on trauma in children and adolescents. You can use the filter bar to select audience, resource type, or theme; or search by keyword.

Activities and exercices

This resource explains in detail the 5 steps to practice serve and return with children. It offers a clear description as well as an explaination on the importance of each step.

- Created by the Center on the Developing Child.

Activities and exercices

This page offers various activities to help kids with their emotions and social skills, and are age-appropriate for elementary and middle school students. These activities are typically used in a classroom or small group setting, and materials required for the activity would be items found in classrooms or offices.

- Created by Centervention.

Activities and exercices


These cards outline a set of enrichment activities that are intended to provide targeted positive activation of key systems in the brain. They support self-regulation and sensory integration when used in the context of positive relationships. The cards allow therapists, educators, parents, and caregivers to select an activity that meets the developmental needs of children.

- Created by Hull Services.

Activities and exercices

These resources help parents incorporate playful learning into their child’s early education through different kinds of games, and storybooks on various subjects such as autism, emotional well-being, race, enthnicity and culture.

- Created by Sesame Street.

Activities and exercices

This infographic offers five mindful ways of breathing that can help individuals relax when experiencing difficult emotions.

- Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

Activities and exercices

This worksheet was created to help people recognize how anxiety affects the body, which can help individuals manage anxiety symptoms.

- Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

Activities and exercices

This infographic can be used as a tool that can serve as an indicator of where you can benefit from looking at beliefs that foster low self-esteem.

- Created by the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

Activities and exercices

This workbook gives parents the ability to explore their own Seven Core issues including - Loss, Rejection, Shame/Guilt, Grief, Identity, Intimacy and Mastery/Control - as well as their child's through varies experiential exercise and activities. Parents can identify and address their core issues in order to more effectively assist and support the child's core issues.

- Created by Sharon Roszia and Allison Davis Maxon.

Activities and exercices

This page offers a concrete tool to help children focus on their senses in order to better manage their emotions.

- Created by the Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI).

Activities and exercices

This page offers concrete ways to relax.

- Created by the Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI).