Katz, I., Katz, C., Andresen, S., Bérubé, A., Collin-Vezina, D., Fallon, B., Fouché, A., Haffejee, S., Masrawa, N., Muñoz, P., Priolo Filho, S. R., Tarabulsy, G., Truter, E., Varela, N., & Wekerle, C. (2021). Child maltreatment reports and child protection service responses during COVID-19: knowledge exchange among Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colomba, Germany, Israel, and South Africa. Child Abuse & Neglect, 116(P2).
Katz, I., Priolo-Filho, S., Katz, C., Andresen, S., Bérubé, A., Cohen, N., ... & Yamaoka, Y. (2021). One year into COVID-19: What have we learned about child maltreatment reports and child protective service responses?. Child Abuse & Neglect, 105473.
Milne, L., Collin-Vézina, D., & Wekerle, C. (2021). Diverse trauma profiles of youth in group care settings: A cluster analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect, 120, 105221.
Harris, M., MacMillan, H., Mepham, J., Joshi, D., Wekerle, C., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Maternal Childhood Maltreatment History and Child Behavior Problems: Developmental Patterns and Mediation via Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Parenting Behavior. Child maltreatment, 10775595221074364.
Tiwari, A., Kimber, M., MacMillan, H., Gonzalez, A., Smith, S., Wekerle, C., & Jack, S. M. (2021).Trauma services for youth victims of sexual abuse- does one size fit all? A qualitative study among service providers in Ontario, Canada. Child Abuse and Neglect, 112.
Katz, C., Varela, N., Korbin, J. E., Najjar, A. A., Cohen, N., Bérubé, A., ... & Wekerle, C. (2022). Child protective services during COVID-19 and doubly marginalized children: international perspectives. Child Abuse & Neglect, 105634.
Emery, C. R., Abdullah, A., Thapa, S., Do, M.-H., Jordan, L., Huang, Y.-T., Men, V. Y., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Invasive exploitation and the multiplicative hypothesis: polyvictimization and adolescent depression symptoms in Nepal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 08862605211072164.
Heid, O., Khalid, M., Smith, H., Kim, K., Smith, S., Wekerle, C., ... & Thomasen, K. (2022). Indigenous Youth and Resilience in Canada and the USA: a Scoping Review. Adversity and Resilience Science, 1-35.
Noronha, N., Avarino, A., Balakumar, S., Toy, K., Smith, S., Wekerle, C., ... & Lokker, C. (2022). Mental Health Mobile Applications Developed for Indigenous Communities in Canada: A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 41(1), 102-106.
Wekerle, C., Kim, K., & Wong, N. (2022). Child sexual abuse victimization: focus on self-compassion. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
Arjona, R. N., Strickland, N., Tang, K., Mackinnon, S., Wekerle, C., & Stewart, S. H. (2021, November). Alcohol-involved Sexual Assault: Risk and Protective Factors From Adverse Emotional Consequences. In CCSA’s Issues of Substance 2021 conference.
Bargeman, M., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2021). Trauma-informed care as a rights-based “standard of care”: a critical review. Child Abuse & Neglect: Part 1, 119.
Kim, K., Wekerle, C., Au-Yeung, A., & Dagher, D. (2021). 40.1 indigenous youth mental wellness: the potential value of mhealth and cultural adaptation of the joypop app. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 60(10), 230.
MacIsaac, A., Mushquash, A. R., Mohammed, S., Grassia, E., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences and building resilience with the joypop app: evaluation study. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth, 9(1), 25087.
Mushquash, A. R., Pearson, E. S., Waddington, K., MacIsaac, A., Mohammed, S., Grassia, E., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2021). User perspectives on a resilience-building app (joypop): qualitative study. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth, 9(7), 28677.
Noronha, N., Smith, S. J., M. Hill, D., Davis Hill, L., Smith, S., General, A., McQueen, C., Looking Horse, M., Drossos, A., Lokker, C., Bilodeau, N. M., & Wekerle, C. (2021). The use of mobile applications to support indigenous youth wellbeing in Canada. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 8(1), 124–134.
Wekerle, C., & Kim, K. (2021). Responding to child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 116(Pt 1).
Wong, N., Kim, K., Liu, W. S., Oh, S. S., Strickland, N., Stewart, S., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Self-compassion among youth with child maltreatment histories and psychological distress: a scoping review. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 9(1).
Allice, I., Acai, A., Ferdossifard, A., Wekerle, C., & Kimber, M. (2022). Indigenous cultural safety in recognizing and responding to family violence: a systematic scoping review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(24), 16967.
Edwards, D., Collin-Vézina, D., Danbrook, M. C., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Longitudinal trajectories of depressive symptoms among sexually abused adolescents involved in child protection services. Child Abuse & Neglect, 131, 105742–105742.
Brodeur, G., Fernet, M., Hébert, M., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Adapting adolescent dating violence prevention interventions to victims of child sexual abuse. Health promotion practice, 15248399221083255.
Wekerle, C., McQueen, K. C. D., Barker, B., Acai, A., Smith, S., Allice, I., & Kimber, M. (2022). Indigenous service provider perspectives of an online education module to support safe clinical encounters about family violence in Canada. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(23), 16061.
Kim, K., Moss, C., Park, J. J., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Child maltreatment and the child welfare system as environmental factors in the international classification of functioning. Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences, 2, 114.
Wei, A., Khalid, M., Ge, E., Kang, J., Horse, M. L., & Wekerle, C. (2022). Research Reactivity and Distress Protocols for Youth Trauma-related Research: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 9(1).
Wekerle, C., Hébert, M., Daigneault, I., Fortin-Langelier, E., & Smith, S. (2020). ACEs, sexual violence, and sexual health. In Adverse Childhood Experiences (pp. 91-118). Academic Press.
Josenhans, V., Kavenagh, M., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2020). Gender, rights and responsibilities: the need for a global analysis of the sexual exploitation of boys. Child Abuse & Neglect, 110, 104291.
Wekerle, C. (2020). From adverse childhood experiences to wellbeing: Portfolios of resilience. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 7(1), 32-38.
Vakili, N., Stewart, S. H., Smith, S., Mathew, A., & Wekerle, C. (2020). Instagram as a knowledge mobilization platform for youth resilience research: An exploratory study. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 7(1), 87-101.
MacIsaac, A., Mushquash, A. R., Mohammed, S., Grassia, E., Smith, S., & Wekerle, C. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences and the transition to university: JoyPopTM app supports resilience. Manuscript submitted for publication.