

Publications des membres

sur le trauma chez les enfants et les adolescents parues depuis 2020

Titre de la publication

Dion, J., Boisvert, S., Paquette, G., Bergeron, M., Hébert, M., & Daigneault, I. (2022). Sexual violence at university: are indigenous students more at risk?. Journal of interpersonal violence37(17-18), NP16534-NP16555.

Isabelle Daigneault, Martine Hébert

Paquette, G., Martin-Storey, A., Bergeron, M., Dion, J., Daigneault, I., Hébert, M., Ricci, S., & Castonguay-Khounsombath, S. (2021). Trauma symptoms resulting from sexual violence among undergraduate students: differences across gender and sexual minority status. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(17-18), 9251.

Isabelle Daigneault, Martine Hébert

Vézina-Gagnon, P., Bergeron, S., Hébert, M., McDuff, P., Guérin, V., & Daigneault, I. (2021). Childhood sexual abuse, girls’ genitourinary diseases, and psychiatric comorbidity: a matched-cohort study. Health Psychology, 40(2), 104–112. 

Isabelle Daigneault, Martine Hébert

Girard, M., Hébert, M., Godbout, N., Cyr, M., & Frappier, J.-M. (2021). A longitudinal study of suicidal ideation in sexually abused adolescent girls: Depressive symptoms and affect dysregulation as predictors. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 34(6), 1132-1138.

Martine Hébert, Natacha Godbout

Lafrenaye-Dugas, A.-J., Fernet, M., Hébert, M., Blais, M., & Godbout, N. (2021). Expérience amoureuse la plus difficile : Qu’en disent les garçons rapportant un vécu de violence physique dans leurs relations amoureuses? Revue internationale de la résilience des enfants et des adolescents, 8(1).

Martine Hébert, Natacha Godbout

Blais, M., Hébert, M., Bergeron, F.-A., & Lapierre, A. (2022). Dating violence experiences among youths with same-gender and multi-gender dating partners: A dyadic concordance type approach. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(7-8), NP3981-NP4005. 

Martine Hébert

Bouchard, S., Langevin, R., Vergunst, F., Commisso, M., Domond, P., Hébert, M., ... & Geoffroy, M. C. (2022). Association between child sexual abuse and mid-life employment earnings. medRxiv.

Martine Hébert, Rachel Langevin

Cénat, J. M., Mukunzi, J. N., Clorméus, L. A., Dalexis, R. D., Lafontaine, M-F., Guerrier, M., & Hébert, M. (2022). Prevalence and factors related to dating violence victimization and perpetration among a representative sample of adolescents and young adults in Haiti. Child Abuse & Neglect, 28.

Martine Hébert

Fethi, I., Daigneault, I., Bergeron, M., Hébert, M., & Lavoie, F. (2022). Campus sexual violence: a comparison of international and domestic students. Journal of International Students, 13(1). 

Isabelle Daigneault, Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Amédée, L. M., Théorêt, V., & Petit, M.-P. (2022). Diversity of adaptation profiles in youth victims of child sexual abuse. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 14, 49. 

Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Tremblay-Perreault, A., Jean-Thorn, A., & Demers, H. (2022). Disentangling the diversity of profiles of adaptation in youth during COVID-19. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 7.

Martine Hébert

Ramos, B., Dion, J., Bőthe, B., Girouard, A., Hébert, M., Wong, E., & Bergeron, S. (2022). Cumulative interpersonal childhood adversity and post-traumatic stress symptoms across heterosexual, cisgender and gender and sexually diverse adolescents: the mediating role of emotion regulation. Child Abuse & Neglect, 124. 

Martine Hébert

Théorêt, V., Lapierre, A., Hébert, M., & Blais, M. (2022). Can emotion dysregulation explain the association between attachment insecurities and teen dating violence perpetration? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(1-2), 743-763. 

Martine Hébert

Attard, V., Dion, J., Bergeron-Leclerc, C., Tremblay, V., & Hébert, M. (2021). Prévenir les violences sexuelles en milieu autochtone : Retour sur la formation au Programme Lanterne|Awacic. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience (IJCAR) / Revue internationale de la résilience des enfants et les adolescents (RIREA), 8(1), 84-97.

Martine Hébert

Bouchard, A-J., Bergeron, M., & Hébert, M. (2021). Résultats de l’évaluation des effets d’un programme de prévention des agressions à caractère sexuel auprès d’élèves de secondaire III au cours de sa phase pilote. Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 44(1), 57-88. 

Martine Hébert

Caouette, J., Hébert, M., Cyr, C., & Amédée, L. M. (2021). The attachment-video feedback intervention (AVI) combined to trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) for sexually abused preschoolers and their parents: A pilot study examining pre- to post-tests changes. Developmental Child Welfare, 3(2), 119-134.

Martine Hébert

Cénat, J. M., Smith, K., Hébert, M., & Derivois, D. (2021). Polyvictimization and cybervictimization among college students from France: The mediation role of psychological distress and resilience. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(17-18), NP9252-NP9271. 

Martine Hébert

Daignault, I. V., Hébert, M., Cyr, M., McDuff, P., & Pelletier, M. (2021). Correlates and predictors of mothers’ adaptation and trauma symptoms following the unveiling of the sexual abuse of their child. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(11-12), NP5784-NP5808. 

Isabelle Daignault, Martine Hébert

Fernet, M., Désilets, L., Hébert, M., & Cousineau, M-M. (2021). Informal help-seeking process regarding romantic issues and dating violence: A qualitative study. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 14(1), 41-50. 

Martine Hébert

Fernet, M., Hébert, M., Brodeur, G., & Théorêt, V. (2021). ”When you’re in a relationship, you say no, but your partner insists”: Sexual dating violence and ambiguity among girls and youth women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(19-20), 9436-9459.

Martine Hébert

Fortin, A., Hébert, M., Paradis, A., & Fortin, L. (2021). Development and validation of the Relational Skills Inventory for Adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 93, 105-113. 

Martine Hébert

Fortin, A., Julien, M., Hébert, M., Dion, J., & Cyr, M. (2021). Implantation du programme Lanterne en milieux éducatifs : une analyse qualitative des perceptions des éducatrices en petite enfance. Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation, 22(3), 1-21.

Martine Hébert

Fortin, A., Paradis, A., Hébert, M., & Lapierre, A. (2021). The interplay of perceptions and conflict behaviors during disagreements: a daily study of physical teen dating violence perpetrationJournal of interpersonal violence37(17-18), NP16453-NP16475.

Martine Hébert

Fortin, A., Paradis, A., Hébert, M., & Lapierre, A. (2021). The interplay of perceptions and conflict behaviors during disagreements: a daily study of physical teen dating violence perpetrationJournal of interpersonal violence37(17-18), NP16453-NP16475.

Martine Hébert

Gauthier-Duchesne A., Hébert M., & Blais, M. (2021). Child sexual abuse, self-esteem, and delinquent behaviors during adolescence: the moderating role of gender. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(15-16).

Martine Hébert

Guyon, R., Fernet, M., & Hébert, M. (2021). Relational and sexual experiences of betrayal from the point of view of sexually victimized young women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21-22), NP11506-NP11530.

Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Jean-Thorn, A., & Amédée, L. M. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Dominic Interactive in a sample of sexually abused children. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 14(2), 223-231. 

Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Lapierre, A., MacIntosh, H. B., & Ménard, A. D. (2021). A review of mediators in the association between child sexual abuse and revictimization in romantic relationships. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 30(4), 385-406.

Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Paradis, A., & Fortin, A. (2021). Symptom patterns of sexually abused teenage girls seeking servicesAmerican Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(4), 464-476. 

Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Smith, K., Caouette, J., Cénat, J. M., Karay, A., Cartierre, N., Veuillet-Combier, C., Mazoyer, A. V., & Derivois, D. (2021). Prevalence and associated mental health outcomes of child sexual abuse in youth in France: Observations from a convenience sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 820-828.

Martine Hébert

Hébert, M., Tremblay-Perreault, A., & Myre, G. (2021). The interplay of depression and hostile attributions in the link between PTSD symptoms and peer victimization in child victims of sexual abuse. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 52(2), 291-300.

Martine Hébert

Jodoin, K., Bergeron, M., & Hébert, M. (2021). Programme EMPREINTE : évaluation des effets d’une formation dans le domaine de la violence sexuelle destinée au personnel scolaire d’écoles secondairesNouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation, 23(1), 79-103.

Martine Hébert

Kern, A., Frederickson, A., Hébert, M., Bernier, A., Frappier, J. Y., & Langevin, R. (2021). Exploring the relationships between child maltreatment and risk factors for pregnancy complications. Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada44(5), 496-502.

Martine Hébert, Rachel Langevin

Lachapelle, M., Fernet, M., Hébert, M., & Guyon, R. (2021). A mixed methods approach exploring risk factors associated with cyber dating victimization and resilience in adolescents and emerging adults. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-21

Martine Hébert

Langevin, R., Hébert M., & Kern, A. (2021). Maternal history of child sexual abuse and maladaptive outcomes in sexually abused children: the role of maternal mental health. Journal of interpersonal violence37(15-16), NP14485-NP14506.

Martine Hébert, Rachel Langevin

Langevin, R., Hébert, M., & Wallace, A. (2021). The intersection of intimate partner violence and childhood sexual abuse in mother-child dyads. Child Abuse & Neglect, 120. 

Martine Hébert, Rachel Langevin

Petit, M-P., Blais, M., & Hébert, M. (2021). Prevalence, frequency, co-occurrence and development of teen dating violence across dimensions of sexual orientation: A longitudinal study using a representative sample of adolescents. Psychology of Violence, 11(2), 175-187. 

Martine Hébert

Petit, M.-P., Blais, M., & Hébert, M. (2021). Dating violence victimization disparities across sexual orientation of a population-based sample of adolescents: an Adverse Childhood Experiences perspective. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

Martine Hébert

Pognon, Q., Tremblay-Perreault, A., & Hébert, M. (2021). Efficacité d’une intervention pour les adolescentes victimes d’agression sexuelle. Sexologies, 30(3), 220-229. 

Martine Hébert

Smith, K., Brendgen, M., Hébert, M., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G., & Boivin, M. (2021). Links between peer victimization, dating violence victimization and depression in adolescence: a genetically-informed study. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 1-12. 

Martine Hébert