This page provides information on the resilience scale, which is a metaphor to explain why some people seem more resilient than others and to help visualize how to improve resilience: the ability to respond positively in the face of adversity. It also offers videos, as well as interactive illustrations to better comprehend the concept of resilience.
- Created by The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative.
The Center strives to present information, especially scientific information, in a way that is accessible to a wide range of readers. This page provides menus below to filter by media type or topic to facilitate accessing the documents you need.
- Created by the Center on the Developing Child.
This website provides education and mental health professionals resources to integrate trauma-informed practices into their settings so they can become trauma-informed environments.
- Created by the Center for Safe and Resilient Schools and Workplaces.
This page contains a collection of Self-Reg resources for parents. You will find courses, groups, and online communities where you can connect with other parents.
- Created by The MEHRIT Centre.
This self-reg resource library contains many resources for childhood (early years), parents, schools and individuals who are interested in learning about self-regulation. More precisely, it provideds facilitated certificate programs, self-directed courses for individuals or teams, events, books and free resources, including publications, a blog, a glossary, visuals and a Podcast.
- Created by the MEHRIT Centre.
This website provides definitions of trauma-informed care-related themes, information on the institute, collaboration options, current partners and projects, and their commitment declaration. It also offers news to be updated on the latest trauma-informed information, online modules, a manual on changes that can be made in organizations, and a series called Trauma Talks, which is a collection of interviews that asks individuals to share how they have seen strength and resilience heal wounds of trauma as a result of the use of a trauma-informed approach.
- Created by the Buffalo Center for Social Research.
This very complete website offers diffrent information on sexual abuse, including statistics, definitions, resources and toolkits. It also gives tips on how to intervene and/or react when a child discloses a sexual abuse.
- Created by The National Office for Child Safety.
This website is delivering training, a public education campaign, and national and regional knowledge mobilizing events, to address and prevent gender-based violence (GBV) against 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. SAFER has been made possible due to the generous support provided by the Women’s Program at Women and Gender Equality (WAGE).
- Created by Wisdom to Action in partnership with Access Open Minds, the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD), the Enchante Network, Gris MTL, 2 Spirits in Motion Society (2SiMS), Kickstand, Kind Space, YWCA Halifax, and Elder Blu, and a council of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth from across Canada.
The site curates resources from experts in the field of trauma-informed care and also draws largely from the experiences of health care organizations.
- Created by Alberta Health Services.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has developed a website providing tools and materials for building skills and increasing knowledge about childhood trauma to help child welfare administrators, caseworkers, frontline staff, mental health personnel, and caregivers understand and respond to the needs of traumatized children.
- Created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.